Everything about HeartBleed Bug in Android OS

In this arcticle we again discuse about HeartBleed bug, but now in Android Systems. How to hack, and how to save you device from hackers.


So if you want to Hack with Android:

I will talk about Session Hijacking with DroidSheep. Of course there are many more soft for hacking networks ;)

First of all you need phone, which has Android OS and has to be ROOTED. If your phone is not rooted HACKING PROGRAM WILL NOT WORK.

You will find anything what you need to know about root here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=45344021&postcount=1


When you have already rooted phone you can download DroidSheep from here: http://www.droidsheepapk.com/   And install it.

There is a tutorial, for a newbies, how to use this program :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3oCmzz4BiE&feature=player_detailpage#t=23

When you already have installed our APP, you can go hack unsecured Networks :)


If you want to SAVE you device from HACKERS:

First of all You shouldn't connect to networks like in Shopping Malls, which are open, and not secured. Hackers can easily hack into you phone, like shown in the first tutorial. There are android system which are and aren't affected with HeatBleed BUG.

Secondly you should use apps, which are saving your phone from heatbleed bug. There are many antivirus apps like CM Security, i use it, and im happy.

I recommend you to use apps:




This is tested by me, and the best apps, which i have used, to save my phone from heatbleed bug.


Good Luck!

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