Password lock folder for windows 7

Password lock folder for windows 7

Do you want tolock and password protect your important folders in Windows 7? If you arean administrator and have multipleaccounts setup in Windows 7, then you can blockfew important folders sothat they 

can not be accessed by other users. Every time theblocked folderwill be accessed, itwill ask for administrator password. Thereforethe folder will belocked permanently unless you don’t remove thelock yourself.

To lock a folder, right-click on that folderand select Properties. Now navigatetoSecurity tab, and click Edit

A new window will pop-up, now under “Group and User Names”, select theuserfrom the list whom you wantto deny access to a specific folder, now under “Permissions for Users” check the Deny checkbox next to Modify(all other checkbox will get ticked automatically)
Click OK and then clickYeswhen a Windows Security window will pops-up

Now click OK again and you aredone. Now the specific userthat you selected from thelistwill be denied access to this folder.

Changin usr name n windows makes problem

Abhinav kakku

Photo: Password lock folder for windows 7    Do you want tolock and password protect your important folders in Windows 7? If you arean administrator and have multipleaccounts setup in Windows 7, then you can blockfew important folders sothat they can not be accessed by other users. Every time theblocked folderwill be accessed, itwill ask for administrator password. Thereforethe folder will belocked permanently unless you don’t remove thelock yourself.  To lock a folder, right-click on that folderand select Properties. Now navigatetoSecurity tab, and click Edit     A new window will pop-up, now under “Group and User Names”, select theuserfrom the list whom you wantto deny access to a specific folder, now under “Permissions for Users” check the Deny checkbox next to Modify(all other checkbox will get ticked automatically)  Click OK and then clickYeswhen a Windows Security window will pops-up   Now click OK again and you aredone. Now the specific userthat you selected from thelistwill be denied access to this folder.   Note Changin usr name n windows makes problem   Abhinav kakku

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