How to Save Voicemail Messages Permanently
Method 1 of 3: Use a VOIP Service
- Find a VOIP service that meets your needs. VOIP uses the Internet protocol for voice communication, which means you can talk on the phone right from your computer. The service you choose depends how often you’ll use it. Some plans charge a monthly fee, while others, like Skype, charge by the call.
- Subscribe to the service, then follow the instructions to activate and use it.
- Turn off all external microphones on your computer to avoid picking up background noise.
- Call your answering machine or voicemail box from the computer.
- Download recording software like Wave Pad or Fast Recorder.
- Start the recording software. Follow the manufacturer’s directions to choose the best settings.
- Play the message in Windows Media Player or other audio software to check the sound quality. Make adjustments to the recording software and re-record if necessary.
- Save the recorded message as a .wav, mp3 or other sound file.
- Burn the file to a CD, or save it on a USB thumb drive, network attached storage, or other safe place.
Method 2 of 3: Use a Recorder
- Look for recording equipment that connects to your computer and a telephone adapter. These can be found online or at stores like Radio Shack.
- Plug one end into the jack on the phone and one into the “mic” jack on the computer.
- Start the recording software.
- Dial your voicemail box from the phone.
- Begin the recording. Use the “mic” or “wave out” setting.
- Save the recorded message as a sound file.
- Test the message. Play it back with audio software to check the sound quality. Make adjustments and re-record if necessary.
- Burn the file to a CD, or save it permanently to an attached storage device or hard drive.
Method 3 of 3: Have a Service Do It for You
- Look into services that specialize in recording voicemail to audio files.
- Compare systems, prices and features. There are virtual phone systems and voicemail transfer systems like Got Voice or Decipher VoiceMail that save messages to audio files. Others, like Voice Cloud, convert voicemail to text and send it as an email attachment.
- Look for systems that offer a free trial period so you can see if you like them before making a long term commitment.
- Save the voicemail audio files the company sends you to a specific place on your hard drive.
- Burn the files to a CD or other storage device.
- The ability to send voicemail messages as an email attachment is included as part of some phone systems and cell phone plans. Find out if you have access to this technology and how to save voicemails permanently using the system before investing in a third-party product.
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